StoryCycles® is a school-to-home book lending program that provides children with diverse books in order to create more opportunities for book-sharing experiences at school and at home. The selected books intentionally reflect the cultural and linguistic diversity of the communities we serve.

Each week, children participating in StoryCycles bring home multilingual, multicultural books to share with their families. Tandem’s carefully curated book collection relies on high-quality books that make room for everyone and intentionally reflect the cultural and linguistic diversity of the Bay Area. The StoryCycles library includes titles in 21 languages (English, Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, Farsi, and Mam just to name a few).

To support StoryCycles implementation, Tandem provides professional development to educators to share techniques for interactive book-sharing. Educators learn how to build on books to support early development across language, literacy, math, social emotional learning, social justice, and more.

StoryCycles introduces parents and caregivers to research-informed, practical strategies for facilitating children’s language development, literacy, and critical thinking through robust book-sharing routines.
StoryCycles Impact Report
Read the report to learn more about how this program promotes
early learning and development.
StoryCycles in Action