Tandem by the Numbers
2016-2017 Annual Report
Children are born ready to learn, and they deserve to enter school ready to succeed.
At Tandem®, we engage the whole community to ensure all families have the resources, skills, and confidence they need to support their children’s kindergarten readiness.

Children, their families, and their community support networks all need knowledge about how learning happens in the early years, the skills to make the most of every moment to build children’s school readiness, and the confidence to lead change in their own community.
Tandem provides high-quality, multilingual books and culturally responsive training to families and schools, and the community organizations working with them, so that all children reach the starting line of formal education ready to succeed.
Our Programs
Tandem’s three program streams weave together to foster a rich community ecosystem where parents and families who need reinforcement to engage their children in early learning experiences encounter support wherever they go.
At School
This school-to-home book-sharing program provides high-quality, multilingual books to families each week. StoryCycles® also includes educator trainings and family workshops that guide adults in simple, practical strategies for building children’s literacy skills through book-sharing, word games, rhyming songs, and other hands-on activities that foster early literacy skill development, social and emotional understanding, self-regulation, and critical thinking skills.
At Home
The Literacy Champions program empowers parents and community leaders to become early learning peer ambassadors in their own communities. Trained in Tandem’s early learning and family engagement strategies, Literacy Champions share their knowledge in their home languages with families in their own neighborhoods. Upon completing their training series, Literacy Champions begin a year-long fellowship with Tandem to implement their own literacy project while receiving ongoing coaching and support.
In our Communities
Capacity Building partnerships leverage the work of community-based organizations already serving high need families by engaging caregivers and professionals with the access, information, and resources they need to support a child’s kindergarten readiness. Tandem provides access to high-quality children’s books and resources, as well as customized trainings to partner organizations and other agencies seeking to embed early learning and family engagement strategies within their work.
How it Works
Tandem brings our expertise to education, social justice, and human service partners working with families who have historically or currently limited access to opportunities for success in education. We focus on families with the youngest children, ensuring the longest trajectory for high-value engagement between children and families. We layer direct family engagement activities with capacity-building support for educators and family service providers to maximize the quality of their own interactions with children and families.

Access to high-quality children’s books and educational materials for families to ensure their children reach school ready to succeed.


Program Reach
Total Books in Circulation
Total Children Served
Total Parents Trained
Total Educators Trained
Total Family Support Professionals Trained
Financials for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2017
Total Expenditures
Expenses by County
San Francisco
Contra Costa
Expenses by Category
Management & General
Sources of Revenue