Free Educator Workshop: StoryWalking

CoCoKids Learning Institute 1035 Detroit Avenue, Suite 100, Concord, CA, United States

Join us for our Educator workshop! Combining interactive classroom Read Alouds with multi-disciplinary extension activities, this approach to curriculum planning explores the versatility of books as teaching tools. A storywalk is a valuable method for scaffolding vocabulary, boosting student’s curiosity and critical thinking skills, and supporting English language learners. Be sure to bring a book […]

Supporting Students with Trauma: A webinar for educators and caregivers


Caregivers and Educators Join us for a webinar to learn the basics about trauma. What is it? How does it affect the brain and body? We will discuss and share trauma-sensitive strategies that support all children to self-soothe and share helpful handouts to create a trauma support plan for an individual child.   This webinar […]


Matemática en los libros de cuentos, Zoom Webinar


Para educadores !Las matemáticas están en todo nuestro alrededor! Acompañe a Tandem en este taller virtual para descubrir la matemática en todos los libros ‘no matemáticos’. Discutiremos y practicaremos estrategias para ayudar a los niñ@s aprender conceptos matemáticos claves.   Haga clic para registrarse  


Building Literacy-Rich Environments: Webinar for Educators


For Educators and Caregivers Join us for a free webinar, hosted by CoCoKids. In this webinar, adults will learn how to build their child or students’ literacy skills all day long, not just during storytime. We will share and practice a variety of word games, rhyming songs, and hands-on activities geared specifically toward developing the […]
