Workshop: Word Play All Day (文字玩樂一整天: 早期讀寫的六項技能)
ZoomJoin us for a free online educator workshop, hosted by CocoKids! Children learn language from everything around them and it's never too early to start! Let's talk about the Six Skills of Early Literacy and practice finding opportunities to build these skills anytime, anywhere. English with Cantonese Translation Click here to register. To receive more […]
Cantonese Public Read Aloud at the Ortega Library
Ortega Branch Library 3223 Ortega St, San Francisco, CATaller: Jugar con palabras todo el día: Las 6 destrezas de la alfabetización temprana
ZoomEn linea via CocoKids. Les niñes aprenden lenguaje de todo lo que les rodea y ¡nunca es demasiado temprano para empezar! Hablemos de las 6 destrezas de la alfabetización temprana y practiquemos cómo encontrar oportunidades para desarrollar estas destrezas en cualquier momento y en cualquier lugar. Haga clic para registrarse Para recibir recordatorios de nuestros […]
Workshop: Math in Storybooks
ZoomJoin us for a free online educator workshop, hosted by CocoKids! Math is all around us! Participants uncover the math in “non-math” storybooks and practice strategies to help young children explore various math concepts including: counting, understanding quantities, engaging in simple addition and subtraction, identifying shapes and patterns, and using measurement and comparison. Click here […]
Workshop: 數學在故事書本 (Math In Storybooks)
ZoomJoin us for a free online educator workshop, hosted by CocoKids! 數學就在我們周圍! 參與者在“非數學”故事書中發現數學,並練習策略,以幫助幼兒探索各種數學概念,包括:數數、理解數量、參與簡單的加減法、識別形狀和模式,以及使用測量和比較。 請在此網站註冊 To receive more event reminders directly to your inbox, please register here: tandem.ngo/signup
Taller: Las matemáticas en la hora de cuentos
ZoomEn linea via CocoKids. ¡Las matemáticas están a nuestro alrededor! Los participantes descubren las matemáticas en cuentos "no matemáticos" y practican estrategias para ayudar a los niños pequeños a explorar distintos conceptos matemáticos incluyendo: contar, entender cantidades, practicar sumas y restas simples, identificar figuras y patrones y usar medidas y comparaciones. Haga clic para registrarse […]
Workshop: Children & Play
ZoomPresented in English with Cantonese interpretation. Join us for a free online educator workshop, hosted by CocoKids! In this interactive workshop, participants will learn about the development of play; enumerate the social, cognitive, and developmental benefits that it produces; and explore ways to support playtime for the children in their care. Click here to register. […]
Taller: El juego y la niñez: apoyando el desarrollo infantil
ZoomEn linea via CocoKids. En este taller interactivo, los participantes aprenderán sobre el desarrollo del juego; enumerar los beneficios sociales, cognitivos y de desarrollo que produce; y explorar formas de apoyar el tiempo de juego para los niños bajo su cuidado. Haga clic para registrarse Para recibir recordatorios de nuestros eventos directamente en su correo, […]
Workshop: Sharing Stories, Sharing Feelings
ZoomJoin us for a free online educator workshop, hosted by CocoKids! Using books to support children's social and emotional skills is not only beneficial, but fun. Join us for an interactive demonstration of how to use picture books to encourage healthy social and emotional development. Click here to register. To receive more event reminders directly […]
Workshop: 分享故事,分享感情 (Sharing Stories, Sharing Feelings)
ZoomJoin us for a free online educator workshop, hosted by CocoKids! 用書籍來支持孩子的社交和情緒技能不僅是有益的,而且很有趣。請加入我們的互動示範,如何使用繪本來鼓勵健康的社交和情緒發展。 請在此網站註冊 To receive more event reminders directly to your inbox, please register here: tandem.ngo/signup