Hora de cuentos en vivo: El Ratoncito, la fresa roja y madura, y el gran oso hambriento


Para niños de 0 a 5 años ¡Acompáñenos para una lectura divertida e interactiva!   Inscríbase aquí: tinyurl.com/tandem2020 Ya se inscribió usted? Sólo tiene que hacerlo una vez. Busque en su correo el link para nuestro salón de Zoom. El mensaje tendrá el título "Tandem Event Registration Successful"


Interactive & Fun Literacy Activities at Children’s Fairyland

Children's Fairyland 699 BELLEVUE AVE, Oakland, CA, United States

These sessions are for both caregivers and their children. Different literacy activities will be showcased on each of the following dates: October 12th & November 11th. Space is limited. Please contact Tania at tania@tandembayarea.org or Yolanda at yolanda@tandembayarea.org to register for one or both dates. Free park entry & parking + free books for participants! […]


Interactive & Fun Literacy Activities at Children’s Fairyland

Children's Fairyland 699 BELLEVUE AVE, Oakland, CA, United States

These sessions are for both caregivers and their children. Different literacy activities will be showcased on each of the following dates: October 12th & November 11th. Space is limited. Please contact Tania at tania@tandembayarea.org or Yolanda at yolanda@tandembayarea.org to register for one or both dates. Free park entry & parking + free books for participants! […]
