Talleres para educadores: DRDP – ¡¿Con la D de divertido?!
Children's Council of San Francisco 445 Church Street, San Francisco, CA, United StatesRecebirá cena, libros infantiles y horas de desarrollo professional. Espacio limitado, inscríbase
Free Educator Workshop in San Francisco: Making Math Meaningful
Children's Council of San Francisco 445 Church Street, San Francisco, CA, United StatesThis workshop will be presented in English only.
Free Educator Workshop in San Francisco: Building Literacy Rich Environments
Children's Council of San Francisco 445 Church Street, San Francisco, CA, United StatesThis workshop will be provided in English and Cantonese.
CANCELLED: Educator Workshop: Story, Song, and Movement
CoCoKids Learning Institute 1035 Detroit Avenue, Suite 100, Concord, CA, United StatesThis event has been cancelled.
Talleres para educadores: Palabras por todos lados
Children's Council of San Francisco 445 Church Street, San Francisco, CA, United StatesRecebirá cena, libros infantiles y horas de desarrollo professional. Espacio limitado, inscríbase
Educator Workshop: Conciencia Fonológica: Del Ritmo a la Rima
La Casita Bilingue Montessori School 592 Tennent Avenue, Pinole, CA, United StatesDiscutiremos la diferencia entra la conciencia fonológica y la fonética y por qué el desarrollo de estas habilidades son vitales para la lectura. A través de juegos y actividades divertidas, aprenderán nuevas herraminetas para apoyar el desarollo de la conciencia fonológica de los niños pequeños. Capacity: 25 (registrar usando el link)
Free Educator Workshop in San Francisco: Phonological Awareness 1.0
Children's Council of San Francisco 445 Church Street, San Francisco, CA, United StatesThis workshop will be provided in English only.
Free Educator Workshop: Supporting Students with Trauma
CoCoKids Learning Institute 1035 Detroit Avenue, Suite 100, Concord, CA, United StatesThis workshop is focused on exploring what trauma looks like in children 0 – 5 years old. Learn about different types of trauma, how it affects developing brains and bodies, and practice trauma- sensitive classroom strategies that support all the children in your classroom. Capacity: 25 (you must sign up using the website link provided)
Free Educator Workshop in San Francisco: Phonological Awareness 2.0
Children's Council of San Francisco 445 Church Street, San Francisco, CA, United StatesThis workshop will be provided in English only.
“Storytime Magic” workshop for Families, Caregivers, and Educators – Presented in Cantonese
Zoom9月24號 下午2:00至下午3:30 為家庭,照顧者和教育者提供 “故事時間魔法” 粵語講座 Mark your calendars! 請您在日曆記下來! Join Tandem on Zoom for a free workshop presented in Cantonese. We'll demonstrate interactive book-sharing tips that support a child's healthy brain development and early language skills. 邀請您參加Tandem的免費Zoom粵語講座內容包括展示互動方式來分享圖書技巧。 這些技巧會幫助孩子有一個健康腦部發育和早期語言能力。 請點擊這裡參加朗讀 (Click here to join) - Register here: Already Registered? You only need to do […]