Home Visiting Program Socialization (English, Spanish, Chinese)
Bayview Community Hub 4900 3rd Street, San Francisco, United StatesHora de cuentos en vivo
ZoomPara niños de 0 a 5 años ¡Acompáñenos para una lectura divertida e interactiva! Inscríbase aquí: www.tandem.ngo/signup ¿Ya se inscribió usted? Sólo tiene que hacerlo una vez. Busque en su correo el enlace para nuestro salón de Zoom. El mensaje tendrá el título “Tandem Event Registration Successful!"
Workshop: Math in Storybooks
ZoomJoin us for a free online educator workshop, hosted by CocoKids! Math is all around us, including in some our favorite storybooks. Join us to uncover fun, easy ways to […]
Interactive & Fun Literacy Activities at Children’s Fairyland
These sessions are for both caregivers and their children. Different literacy activities will be showcased on each of the following dates: October 12th & November 11th. Space is limited. Please contact Tania at tania@tandembayarea.org or Yolanda at yolanda@tandembayarea.org to register for one or both dates. Free park entry & parking + free books for participants! […]
Tandem早期學習導師,Tandem邀請您和您的孩子參加她直播的有趣和互動粵語朗讀。 此朗讀最適合0至5歲的兒童。 請在此網站註冊 Register here: www.tandem.ngo/signup 已經登記了? 您只需要登記一次就可以參加我們的全部公開活動。 請查看您的電子郵件獲取Zoom的鏈接。 主題 “成功註冊Tandem的活動”
Workshop: 數學在故事書本 (Math in Storybooks) Presented in Cantonese
ZoomJoin us for a free online educator workshop, hosted by CocoKids! 數學就在我們周圍,包括一些我們最喜歡的故事書。請加入我們,通過使用任何插圖兒童書籍來發現有趣、簡單的方法,將數學對話編織到故事時間中。 請在此網站註冊 Math is all around us, including in some our favorite storybooks. Join us to uncover fun, easy […]
Home Visiting Program Socialization (English, Spanish, Chinese)
Bayview Community Hub 4900 3rd Street, San Francisco, United StatesTaller: Las matemáticas en la hora de cuentos
ZoomEn linea via CocoKids. Las matemáticas se encuentran a nuestro alrededor, incluso en algunos de nuestros libros de cuentos favoritos. Acompañenos a descubrir maneras divertidas y fáciles de incorporar conversaciones […]