Free Give Me 5 Sessions for Fathers at Telegraph WIC
Telegraph Avenue WIC 3600 Telegraph Avenue, Oakland, CA, United StatesEN LINEA: La Magia en la Hora de Cuentos
En este entrenamiento virtual, los participantes aprenderán cómo las interacciones de “servir y devolver” ayudan en la construcción del cerebro, lenguaje y destrezas de alfabetización. Revisaremos la investigación más reciente sobre el tema […]
Zoom9月8 11:00 上午 0至2歲兒童粵語Zoom朗讀 Tandem早期學習導師,Susan邀請您和您的孩子參加她直播的有趣和互動粵語朗讀。 此朗讀最適合0至2歲的兒童。 Join Tandem Early Learning Specialist Susan for a live, engaging Read Aloud in Cantonese! This Read Aloud is most appropriate for children ages 0-2 […]
Supporting Students with Trauma: A webinar for educators and caregivers
ZoomCaregivers and Educators Join us for a webinar to learn the basics about trauma. What is it? How does it affect the brain and body? We will discuss and share […]
Live Read Aloud: Jabari Jumps
ZoomFor children ages 3-5! Join us for an engaging, interactive, LIVE Read Aloud of Jabari Jumps! In this story, written and illustrated by Gaia Cornwall, Jabari goes to the community pool and […]
Hora de Cuentos: Jabari Salta
ZoomPara niños de 3 a 5 años ¡Acompáñenos para una lectura divertida e interactiva de Jabari Salta! Jabari visita la piscina y quiere saltar desde el gran trampolín por primera vez. Con […]
Zoom9月22號 1:00 下午 Tandem早期學習導師,Susan邀請您和您的孩子參加她直播的有趣和互動粵語朗讀。 此朗讀最適合3至5歲的兒童。 請點擊這裡參加朗讀 - Join Tandem Early Learning Specialist Susan for a live, engaging Read Aloud in Cantonese! This Read Aloud is most appropriate for children ages […]
“Storytime Magic” workshop for Families, Caregivers, and Educators – Presented in Cantonese
Zoom9月24號 下午2:00至下午3:30 為家庭,照顧者和教育者提供 “故事時間魔法” 粵語講座 Mark your calendars! 請您在日曆記下來! Join Tandem on Zoom for a free workshop presented in Cantonese. We'll demonstrate interactive book-sharing tips that support a child's healthy […]
Celebración del mes de orgullo latino (Latinx Heritage Month Celebration)
OnlineTandem will be presenting a Read Aloud and giving away free books!
Live Read Aloud: The Color Monster
ZoomFor children ages 3-5! Join us for an engaging, interactive, LIVE Read Aloud of The Color Monster! This story is written by Anna Llenas. And in this story, we will meet a monster experiencing different emotions - and each emotion is a different color! What color are Monster's feelings? You'll have to tune in to find out! Register […]