Sharing Stories, Sharing Feelings (with Cantonese interpretation)


Using books to support children's social and emotional skills is not only beneficial, but fun. Join us for an interactive demonstration of how to use picture books to encourage healthy social and emotional development. 用書籍來支持孩子的社交和情緒技能不僅是有益的,而且很有趣。請加入我們的互動示範,如何使用繪本來鼓勵健康的社交和情緒發展。

Assembly District 20 Diaper Distribution

4Cs of Alameda County, Hayward Office 22351 City Center Drive, Hayward, CA, United States

4Cs of Alameda County and Assemblymember Liz Ortega are proud to host the 2nd Annual Diaper Distribution for Working Families in mid-November, 2024 in Hayward, CA.