Workshop: 雙語的迷思和真理 (The Myths and Truths of Bilingualism) Presented in Cantonese
ZoomJoin us for a free online educator workshop, hosted by CocoKids! 關於雙語兒童的教育存在諸多爭議,我們如何知道什麼是最好的? 請加入我們,消除一些常見的關於語言學習的迷思,並討論如何在家庭和課堂上支持雙語兒童。 請在此網站註冊 With all the controversy around the education of bilingual children, how do we know what's best? Join us to dispel some common myths about language learning and discuss ways to support bilingual children at home and in the classroom. Click here […]
Taller: Los mitos y verdades del bilingüismo
ZoomEn linea via CocoKids. Con toda la controversia en torno a la educación de los niñes bilingües, ¿cómo sabemos qué es lo mejor? Acompáñenos a descartar algunos mitos comunes sobre el aprendizaje de idiomas y platicar de las formas de apoyar a los niñes bilingües en el hogar y en el salón de clases. Haga […]
Live Zoom Read Aloud
ZoomFor children ages 0-5! Join us for an engaging, interactive, LIVE Read Aloud! Register here: Already Registered? You only need to do it once for all our public events. Check your email for the link to our Zoom Room. Subject “Tandem Event Registration Successful”
Workshop: Talking about Race in Early Childhood
ZoomJoin us for a free online educator workshop, hosted by CocoKids! Click here to register. To receive more event reminders directly to your inbox, please register here:
RhythmALLogy (Kids’ Show)
Children’s Garden, Yerba Buena Gardens 799 Howard St., San Francisco, CA, United StatesCreated and led by percussionist Aaron Kierbel, RhythmALLogy is an innovative interactive children’s program that involves movement, body percussion and group drumming. These sessions are specially designed to nurture and unleash the […]
RhythmALLogy (Kids’ Show)
Children’s Garden, Yerba Buena Gardens 799 Howard St., San Francisco, CA, United StatesCreated and led by percussionist Aaron Kierbel, RhythmALLogy is an innovative interactive children’s program that involves movement, body percussion and group drumming. These sessions are specially designed to nurture and unleash the […]
Hora de cuentos en vivo
ZoomPara niños de 0 a 5 años ¡Acompáñenos para una lectura divertida e interactiva! Inscríbase aquí: ¿Ya se inscribió usted? Sólo tiene que hacerlo una vez. Busque en su correo […]
Cantonese Public Read Aloud at the Ortega Library
Ortega Branch Library 3223 Ortega St, San Francisco, CA0至5歲兒童粵語Zoom朗讀
ZoomTandem早期學習導師,Tandem邀請您和您的孩子參加她直播的有趣和互動粵語朗讀。 此朗讀最適合0至5歲的兒童。 請在此網站註冊 Register here: 已經登記了? 您只需要登記一次就可以參加我們的全部公開活動。 請查看您的電子郵件獲取Zoom的鏈接。 主題 “成功註冊Tandem的活動”
Taller: TBD
ZoomEn linea via CocoKids. Haga clic para registrarse Para recibir recordatorios de nuestros eventos directamente en su correo, por favor regístrese aquí: