Supporting Students with Trauma: A webinar for educators and caregivers
ZoomCaregivers and Educators Join us for a webinar to learn the basics about trauma. What is it? How does it affect the brain and body? We will discuss and share […]
Live Read Aloud: Jabari Jumps
ZoomFor children ages 3-5! Join us for an engaging, interactive, LIVE Read Aloud of Jabari Jumps! In this story, written and illustrated by Gaia Cornwall, Jabari goes to the community pool and […]
Hora de Cuentos: Jabari Salta
ZoomPara niños de 3 a 5 años ¡Acompáñenos para una lectura divertida e interactiva de Jabari Salta! Jabari visita la piscina y quiere saltar desde el gran trampolín por primera vez. Con […]
Zoom9月22號 1:00 下午 Tandem早期學習導師,Susan邀請您和您的孩子參加她直播的有趣和互動粵語朗讀。 此朗讀最適合3至5歲的兒童。 請點擊這裡參加朗讀 - Join Tandem Early Learning Specialist Susan for a live, engaging Read Aloud in Cantonese! This Read Aloud is most appropriate for children ages […]
“Storytime Magic” workshop for Families, Caregivers, and Educators – Presented in Cantonese
Zoom9月24號 下午2:00至下午3:30 為家庭,照顧者和教育者提供 “故事時間魔法” 粵語講座 Mark your calendars! 請您在日曆記下來! Join Tandem on Zoom for a free workshop presented in Cantonese. We'll demonstrate interactive book-sharing tips that support a child's healthy […]
Celebración del mes de orgullo latino (Latinx Heritage Month Celebration)
OnlineTandem will be presenting a Read Aloud and giving away free books!
Live Read Aloud: The Color Monster
ZoomFor children ages 3-5! Join us for an engaging, interactive, LIVE Read Aloud of The Color Monster! This story is written by Anna Llenas. And in this story, we will meet a monster experiencing different emotions - and each emotion is a different color! What color are Monster's feelings? You'll have to tune in to find out! Register […]
Hora de Cuentos: El Monstruo de colores
ZoomPara niños de 3 a 5 años ¡Acompáñenos para una lectura divertida e interactiva de El monstruo de colores! Se le han revuelto las emociones! Ayudemos al Monstruo de colores a ordenar sus emociones. Inscríbase aquí: Ya se inscribió usted? Sólo tiene que hacerlo una vez. Busque en su correo el link para nuestro salón de […]
Dads of San Francisco Weekly Group Meeting
South of Market Family Resource Center 790 Folsom Street, San Francisco, CA, United StatesTuesdays, 4:00pm - 5:30pm September 29 - November 17 Weekly group for fathers to connect and share resources Positive-based fellowship Support through brotherhood Therapeutic safe space Dinner will be provided. The group will meet outdoors in the Yerba Buena Gardens while maintaining social distancing. Please note that child watch will not be provided at this […]
ZoomTandem早期學習導師,Susan邀請您和您的孩子參加她直播的有趣和互動粵語朗讀。 此朗讀最適合0至2歲的兒童。 Join Tandem Early Learning Specialist Susan for a live, engaging Read Aloud in Cantonese! This Read Aloud is most appropriate for children ages 0-2 years old. 請在此網站註冊 Register here: 已經登記了? 您只需要登記一次就可以參加我們的全部公開活動。 Already Registered? You only need to do it once for all our public events. 請查看您的電子郵件獲取Zoom的鏈接。 Check your email for the link […]