Black Joy Parade

2044 Franklin St, Oakland, CA 94612 2044 Franklin St, Oakland, CA, United States

Black Joy Parade is a hyper-positive non-profit based in Oakland, CA that celebrates the Black experience and community's contribution to history and culture with its signature parade and celebration, partnerships and events. Click here for more info!

數學在故事書本 (Math In Storybooks)


數學就在我們周圍! 參與者在“非數學”故事書中發現數學,並練習策略,以幫助幼兒探索各種數學概念,包括:數數、理解數量、參與簡單的加減法、識別形狀和模式,以及使用測量和比較。 If you have a workforce registry number, please register at: Careregistry  If you do not have a CA Workforce registry number, register at: Zoom

Antioch First 5: Early Learning Workshop

Antioch First 5 Center 300 H St, Antioch, CA, United States

Sharing Stories, Sharing Feelings workshop. Sign up with Antioch First 5 Center here!
