Talleres para educadores: Apoyando a familias multilingües

Children's Council of San Francisco 445 Church Street, San Francisco, CA, United States

Recebirá cena, libros infantiles y horas de desarrollo professional. Espacio limitado, inscríbase https://bit.ly/SFtalleres


Bilingual Storytime at the Pittsburg Public Library

Pittsburg Public Library 80 Power Avenue, Pittsburg, CA, United States

An interactive storytime in Spanish and English for young children and their families. Una lectura interactiva en español e inglés para niños pequeños y sus familias.

Educator Workshop: Early Language & the Growing Brain

CoCoKids Learning Institute 1035 Detroit Avenue, Suite 100, Concord, CA, United States

Join us for our educator workshop! Educators will deepen their understanding of early childhood brain development as it relates to literacy. We will review the latest research on the subject and practice specific interactive classroom “Read Aloud” strategies that support early language acquisition and development. Capacity: 25 (you must sign up using the website link […]

Talleres para educadores: DRDP – ¡¿Con la D de divertido?!

Children's Council of San Francisco 445 Church Street, San Francisco, CA, United States

Recebirá cena, libros infantiles y horas de desarrollo professional. Espacio limitado, inscríbase https://bit.ly/SFtalleres


Free Educator Workshop: StoryWalking

Antioch Public Library 501 West 18th Street, Meeting Room, Antioch, CA, United States

This workshop explores the versatility of books as teaching tools. We combine an interactive classroom Read Aloud with multi-disciplinary extension activities to scaffold vocabulary, boost student’s curiosity and critical thinking skills, and support English language learners. Capacity: 20 (sign up using this website link via CoCoKids)